Thursday, 24 January 2013

Microsoft updates Kinect SDK beta

Microsoft have pushed out an update to their public beta Kinect SDK, in the form of a "beta refresh". Following on from the huge popularity of the SDK since its release just over a month ago, the community have spoken and Microsoft have responded with this update.


Robotics Developer Studio supports .NET 4, Kinect SDK 2

Microsoft has released an update to its Robotics Developer Studio 4 Beta, and among a fair few new features to the system since the last Beta in September, it includes support for the brand new Kinect for Windows SDK.
“There has been tremendous excitement with Microsoft Kinect within the robotics space signaling the potential opportunities that exist in transforming robots to low-cost mainstream consumer devices” wrote the team. “With support from the Kinect sensor, [Robotics Studio] aims to make it easier for developers to build applications, including those directed at personal robotics and consumer scenarios, both in hardware and in simulation.”


‘Google co-founder tests Google glasses in subway‘ 


Yahoo! buys scrapbook website 

Yahoo! confirmed Tuesday that it bought, a young San Francisco startup that lets people create scrapbooks with pictures, articles, videos and other content found online.
"The team created an innovative technology that lets people share content in a social and fun way," Yahoo! vice president of product Mike Kerns said in a statement emailed to AFP. 

Google announces redesigned, faster image search 

Search giant Google has revamped its image search feature. In a blog post, company's associate product manager, Hongyi Li, said that based on feedback from both users and webmasters, the company has redesigned Google Images.
The revamped Google Images page will be faster and more reliable than the current version, claims the post. The images will soon be displayed in an inline panel and will be accompanied by the associated metadata and key information. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Windows Azure may be the overall platform for Microsoft's cloud services, but SQL Data Services (SDS) is the new name for the repository it will be based upon. Dave Campbell, a Microsoft technical fellow, is leading the SDS effort.
Windows Azure may be the overall platform for Microsoft's cloud services, but SQL Data Services (SDS) is the new name for the repository it will be based upon. Dave Campbell, a Microsoft technical fellow, is leading the SDS effort.